FAR: Lone Sails
by Okomotive

Press Contact

Contact Name: Alexandra Palme
E-Mail: ap@mixtvision.de
Link to request keys: https://www.far-game.com/for-the-press/#1487156253050-00e649d8-cde7
Developer PressKit: https://www.far-game.com/for-the-press/

About the game: FAR: Lone Sails

FAR: Lone Sails is a vehicle adventure game. In a unique vehicle you travel across a dried-out ocean following the tracks of a once thriving civilization. Through an array of roadblocks and through hazardous weather you need to keep your vessel going. Where will this journey take you? Are you the last of your kind?

About the company: Okomotive

Okomotive is an indie game studio based in Zurich, Switzerland. The company was founded in 2017 by Don Schmocker and Goran Saric and is the team behind the award-winning game “FAR: Lone Sails”.


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