by VestGames

Press Contact

Contact Name: Hendrik Hollenborg
E-Mail: info@eville-game.com
Developer PressKit: https://eville-game.com/press-kit/

About the game: Eville

Betray your friends and lie your way to victory. In the multiplayer game Eville you find yourself in a village riddled by a series of murders. Live out your evil side or unmask the conspirators before you get an axe to your face! No matter what: you will need your social skills to stay alive! Multiple character roles with different skills, handy items, crafting, and an innovative day-and-night cycle make Eville a stand-out title that is unique in the social-deduction category.

About the company: VestGames

VestGames is an indie game studio located in the Ruhr area of Germany that was founded in June of 2020 to complete development on the social deduction title Eville, which started in 2019.


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