by Rhenus Vina Musica

Press Contact

Contact Name: Julia Goerke-Milde or Jörn Friedrichs
E-Mail: contact@rhenus-vina-musica.dev
Developer PressKit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lo6TCOxDyZQWuI2j5jjPapdoEN2XzAaH?usp=sharing

About the game: Hieronymus

Hieronymus is a story-driven first-person-adventure with action and horror elements.
It's a surreal journey set in a historical fantasy setting based on the visionary work of Hieronymus Bosh and his contemporaries of the german middle age.

About the company: Rhenus Vina Musica

Rhenus Vina Musica is a small German indie development studio founded in 2021 in order to develop a story-driven action-adventure set in the German late Middle Ages.
The Studio received two grants from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and won the Devcom Indie Award 2023 for Graphics Galore. Beside that the team is working with a large german museum in order to develop a story driven experience about the German Peasants' War.
One of the studios main goals is to bring history back to life in a new immersive way.


Company Logos

Game Logos