Projected Dreams
by Flawberry Studio

Press Contact

Contact Name: Dana Senn
Developer PressKit:

About the game: Projected Dreams

Drag toys from the shelves and drop them onto the table to create a shadow play. As the shadows you cast uncover past family relationships and the environment around you changes and evolves, the lines between reality and fantasy blur. Projected Dreams is a short and wholesome puzzle experience, aiming to bring back nostalgic childhood memories.

About the company: Flawberry Studio

Flawberry Studio is made up of five people who met at university, coming from different backgrounds and sharing a passion for games. After participating in Brackeys game jam in 2022 with an early prototype of Projected Dreams, the team decided to develop the game further and received pre-production funding from the local Arts Council. They decided to take things to the next level and formed Flawberry Studio, which is now working on its debut game Projected Dreams, due for release in early 2025.


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