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Contact Name: Daniel Postlethwaite
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About the game: Adapt
Adapt is a Spore-like survival evolution game designed to simulate the constantly changing environments which life must navigate to thrive. To succeed, your species will need to find food using a multitude of dietary strategies, seek out habitable environments, and react to changing seasons, and global climate. Your competitors will evolve alongside you, vying for food and territory to ensure their own survival.
About the company: Paul Hervé
Big kid at heart, I’m a firm believer in play as a fundamental social outlet, and the importance of remaining playful and creative as an adult. As a game developer, I’m primarily “self-taught.” As a developer, I love procedural design, and my projects are highly focused on emergence in gameplay and storytelling. Having benefited extensively from the suite of available online learning materials, I’ve become a huge advocate for the importance of online educational resources, and their importance for normalizing participation in the growing tech industry.
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