Once Upon a Rogue's Tale
by PolyPirates

Press Contact

Contact Name: Sarah Klomp
E-Mail: press@polypirates.com
Link to request keys: press@polypirates.com
Developer PressKit: https://polypirates.notion.site/Once-Upon-a-Rogue-s-Tale-Presskit-5b925a3cef684d6a870fb52aebbbcdf6?pvs=4

About the game: Once Upon a Rogue's Tale

Once Upon a Rogue's Tale combines strategic roguelike deckbuilding with the luck of the dice. Trade dice in battle to play a variety of different cards or to use powerful character abilities. Encounter story events inspired by classic fairy tales and make tough decisions that shape your journey which will be written down in your personal storybook.

About the company: PolyPirates

Founded in 2021, PolyPirates is dedicated to developing games that transport players into magical realms. Specializing in premium titles, they focus on delivering highly replayable experiences.


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