Psychotic Bathtub
by natsha

Press Contact

Contact Name: Natasha Sebben
Developer PressKit:

About the game: Psychotic Bathtub

«Psychotic Bathtub» addresses Ophelia’s experience with her psychotic disorder in her bathtub. Interact with the environment through her eyes: Argue with your rubber duck, drink wine, add more bathwater. Each of your interactions may lead to death, great joy, or even worse: Your duck drowns, the wine turns into poison, the bathroom is flooded. Will you find a way out of the really scary parts of your mind? Maybe not.

50% of «Psychotic Bathtub's» profit will be donated to mental health related projects and research.

About the company: natsha

natsha is diverse and inclusive. We attach great importance to destigmatization, equality, fair and healthy working conditions. We established the objective of destigmatizing mental disorders by making them accessible. We want to make a change. We want to make a difference.


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