PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant
by Bippinbits

Press Contact

Contact Name: René
E-Mail: rene@bippinbits.com
Link to request keys: rene@bippinbits.com
Developer PressKit: https://pvkk.game/presskit/

About the game: PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant

In PVKK, you play as the commander of a planetary defense cannon, serving an autocratic regime. You live and work in a bunker, where you must manage various defense systems to stop an invasion of your home world. However, strange things keep happening, rebels try to contact you all the time, and even your mandatory daily tea tastes funny.

About the company: Bippinbits

Bippinbits is a small indie game developer based in Radeberg, Germany, headed by René Habermann. We have a passion for the creative challenges of Game Jams, where we enjoy pushing our limits in a short time frame. Our games cover a variety of genres, reflecting our love for different types of gameplay.

We’re best known for our award-winning game, Dome Keeper, which has been a big hit with players and critics alike. Our main goal is simple: to make really good games that are fun to many people and don’t compromise gameplay. In our heart we are gamers, not business people.


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