by WobbleGhost

Press Contact

Contact Name: Carola Feierfeil
E-Mail: press@deck13.com
Link to request keys: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuWapeLYVkwxbTWRjHzWpEylk2qbFcyq4yP_PzhMQ1yXYOOA/viewform
Developer PressKit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qK8Fz__X4d1KrQxpjxEjz_3dDufqw11a?usp=drive_link

About the game: Spindle

Spindle is an old-school zeldaesque action-adventure where you slip into the role of Death. But you won't be alone: A loyal companion, a friend who will stay at your side even through the darkest of times, a mate you can always rely on will always follow you: The pig. Your little shiny pink buddy. In fact, the pig is more than that. It will help you on your mission to restore the natural order.

About the company: WobbleGhost


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