by Gameinaframe

Press Contact

Contact Name: Vincent Joyau
E-Mail: vincent@gameinaframe.com
Link to request keys: mailto:vincent@gameinaframe.com
Developer PressKit: http://press.gameinaframe.com/sheet.php?p=hypercore

About the game: HyperCore

“Beat the Beat!”
HyperCore is Gameinaframe’s second in-house game.
Reverse the rhythm genre and play against the music, avoid countless bullets and obstacles at insane speed and refine your trajectory to reach scoring heights!
Hypercore is a fast-paced mix between the precision of Shoot’em Ups and the replay value of rhythm games.
By offering a simple control scheme with contextual gameplay mechanics, the game deepens the experience as the player skill increases, giving it that “one last game” itch.

About the company: Gameinaframe

"GAMEINAFRAME" was founded in 2015 by then 12 years industry veteran Vincent Joyau. Previous titles Vincent worked on include Dark Sector, Bioshock 2 Multiplayer, Brink and Dirty Bomb. Our Headquarters are near Nantes, France, but we collaborate with people from all over the world.


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