Tavern Talk
by Gentle Troll Entertainment

Press Contact

Contact Name: Tommaso Crogliano
E-Mail: press@gentletroll.com
Link to request keys: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcF5SJ786X8EBuaz7yC4y00qX2rKLYeONLNfnk7a8ZvfD77w/viewform
Developer PressKit: https://special-draw-669.notion.site/Presskit-Tavern-Talk-a5a4d2d0c0454be8af082740f3ea8203

About the game: Tavern Talk

Tavern Talk is a cozy Visual Novel in a typical Pen and Paper like fantasy setting. It's a combination of Coffee Talk and D&D. However, the player does not play as an adventurer, instead, they experience the game from the other side as an NPC, the Tavern Innkeeper. Their job is it to talk with adventurers, listen to their stories, find out new rumors and send them out on new quests. The magical drinks, that you make for your patrons, will help them on their quest.

About the company: Gentle Troll Entertainment

We are a team of 21 developers that work full-time on this project, alongside with some Serious Games projects in collaboration with high-profile industry clients. The game studio started in 2014 as a very small indie team that developed Serious Games for educational purposes. A few years ago we started our journey into the entertainment industry. Tavern Talk is our first entertainment title that we published ourselves.


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